
Welcome to the Handong English Camp ELT (English Language Teacher) Staff Blog. Within, you will find what we hope will be all of the necessary information you will need in preparing for the winter camp (see links on the right). Please contact us with any additional comments, concerns, or questions you might have.

2011년 4월 21일 목요일


Housing will be provided as well as meals, phone, and internet connection. The rooms are dormitory style with two teachers per room. There are individual beds, desks, and closets provided. Desk cabinets are lockable with your room key. Married couples will share one room. There are two community bathrooms: one for men and one for women.

Phones are available in each room. However, you will have to purchase a phone card for any long distance calls. Internet connections are through LAN. We can provide you with the correct IP address information when you move in if you care to bring a laptop. Otherwise, there will be about four or five computers available for the 25-35 or so teachers to share.